Borderlands Kreig Kinetic Typography

I am such a big fan of the video game Borderlands 2 by Gearbox for its list of zany characters. However one of my favorites is Kreig the Psycho. For this animation my goal was to really push myself so included new elements such as images, fade effects, and actual character animations. I involved the characters actions because the dialogue is very descriptive in the audio and I wanted to add characters to match the descriptiveness.

The character Krieg is considered a psycho so I chose to used stick figure characters to connect to the simplicity that is going on in his mind. I also wanted my fonts to reflect the context of the dialogue. This involved using rougher, grittier and bolder fonts to emphasize the actions of the characters where as some of the the softer dialogue I used more formal fonts.

  • Illustration
  • Video Production
  • After Effects
  • Typography