While working with North Star Marketing I worked with The Barnstable on a marketing campaign aimed to bring in new clients. For this project I was to develop marketable print pieces showcasing the benefits of working with The Barnstable. The pieces I developed included mailers, print ads, and brochures.
The first project was to develop three print ads to be published monthly in the magazine Cape Cod Home and Cap Cod Life. The theme was New England homeowners. To create these ads heavy use of Photoshop was used slice parts of other pictures in order to combine them together.
The Barnstable also used postcard mailers as well. Here a double sided mailer featuring a blueprint sketch for a home combined with text conveying The Barnstable’s goal of assisting with home insurance. However postcards weren’t the only mailed materials. The Barnstable also sends its customers a cheat sheet with another company Yankee Solutions outlining their policies. These are called the Underwriting Guidelines. These Underwriting Guidelines are brochure mailers which in either a bifold or trifold format feature the customers policy options disguised as a historical parcel.